Braving the Cold at Northern State University

   With the onslaught of winter fast approaching, we need to take this time to take stock of our belongings. What does that mean? It means to prepare yourself correctly or freeze to death trying! Bulky coat? Check! Gloves? Check! Winter hat? Check! So how are the students at Northern State University planning for the cold? Here’s what a few of them had to say.
   “I usually try to stay inside as often as possible,” said Ann Scott. “Socializing is great and all, but when it is this cold out, it definitely isn’t a priority or even a necessity. I like my bed so that’s exactly where I’ll stay!”
   “Being from the Midwest, I don’t really have that much to prepare for. This is a reality for us up here,” said Cydney Cassum. “I could spend all winter complaining about it, but who knows when winter will end? I don’t have that kind of energy!”
   Larissa Pfeiffer said, “I have been all over the world, so I’m used to being prepared for anything. Make sure you dress appropriately and do what you can to keep warm and healthy. Preheat your car before leaving, drink lots of tea, stay inside whenever possible. Be smart about it!”
   There definitely seems to be a common consensus: stay inside if you can; we’re in it for the long haul!
   Now here’s the advice. What should you do to prevent a winter emergency? How about minimizing your winter travel? If travel is necessary, keep a disaster supply kit in your vehicle. Also, make sure to winterize your vehicle before you travel this season. This means for you or a mechanic to check for: antifreeze levels, battery and ignition system, exhaust system, fuel and air filters, heater and defroster, lights and flashing hazard lights, oil, thermostat, windshield wiper equipment, and maybe even install some good winter tires.
   It might also be a good idea to put together a winter emergency kit. This kit could be kept at home, your dorm, or even your car. Things to include in your winter emergency kit might include a shovel, a windshield scraper and small broom, a flashlight, a battery powered radio, extra batteries, a supply of water, snack food, matches, and extra hats, socks and mittens. Other items you may want to consider putting in the kit could be a first aid kit with pocket knife, necessary medications, some blankets, a tow chain/rope, road salt and sand, jumper cables, emergency flares, and maybe even a fluorescent distress flag.
   Be smart this winter and take it upon yourself to ensure that you are ready for anything, no matter the circumstances.

Adam Schultz
Staff Writer

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